
何も誇れるものはないのですが、主に社会人としての自分史をつらつら書いてみます I have nothing to be proud of, but I will write about my history as a working person.






















<English description>

Now that I've written the title, I'm not sure what I'm going to do with the content.

To put it bluntly, it's a personal history, but I'm not aiming for anything grandiose like that.

Basically, it is just a record of my own work as a memo, but I also try to be conscious of the fact that there may be readers. I don't go so far as to write a story. (I may change it once in a while by editing or reorganizing the structure.


(For now, the basic rules I impose on myself in this blog)

I will write a log of various events and experiences in my career path from the start of my working life to after my 60th birthday (now) in the order that I remember them.

I will also occasionally touch on my upbringing up to the time when I was a student, so I will go back to that point and explain it.

I will not write direct personal information, but I will write up to the point where the reader can get some concrete images.

I will also attach an English translation to each article.



:I am not a very good writer in the real sense of the word. However, I seem to have been given the ability to learn, and thanks to my mother, I did a lot of study drills in elementary and junior high school, which made me a brilliant student. When I was in the first grade of junior high school, I was ranked in the first digit in Kitakyushu City.

:However, since Koxxxx High School was filled with the most gifted students, I dropped to the middle class or lower, and from there I didn't keep up with my studies very well. I couldn't see what I wanted to do in the future.

:But thanks to cramming, I was able to enter the Faculty of Engineering at xxxshu University. Unfortunately, he was not able to keep up with the liberal arts and even had to stay in school. However, he somehow managed to continue on to graduate school.

:Anyway, I entered Mxxxxxxx Electric Works with only my academic background and started my working career. Even at that time, I was really stupid.

:Six years after joining the company, he got married. My wife is a very bright person with a quick wit, and her personality is just the opposite of my own. This has always helped me. She is still helping me today.


That's all for now. I will try my best to write again next time.